Reset Process For linksys RE6700 To Fix Setup Issues

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The Linksys RE6700's factory reset procedure is an essential step in the troubleshooting process for a successful Linksys RE6700 setup solution.

The Linksys RE6700's factory reset procedure is an essential step in the troubleshooting process for a successful linksys re6700 setup solution. Find the little reset button on the device, which is typically found at the bottom or rear, to start the reset. Press and hold the reset button with a paperclip or pin for 10 to 15 seconds or until the indicator lights begin to flash. The repeater will be reset to its default settings after this operation erases all customized configurations. The device will reboot when the setup is finished, at which point you can start over. You may need to adjust the extender's network settings and preferences as necessary because this action will overwrite any customized settings.
